
 Hello everyone!


We recorded a podcast for this week’s lesson. I chose to pair up with my friend Defne and we recorded a vox pop. We talked to 11 people and asked what superpower they would want to have and why. We had various, and funny, answers but the most common answer was invisibility. Their reasons were generally different, but I think it was predictable.


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I don’t think it was an easy task to do. I had difficulties with finding a quiet place to record my voice because we wanted to record together with Defne face to face. We ended up recording our podcast in the corridor at the 3rd floor. It was fun to see my friends trying to come up with an answer.



I don’t think I would give this project as a homework to my students, but I would definitely encourage to make their podcasts. I really don’t like listening to podcasts and listening to around 30 podcasts would be tiring for me. I think podcasting will develop their self-confidence and speaking skills but like I said, I wouldn’t give this as a task or homework.


Also, don’t forget to check Defne’s blog too!


Until then, take care <3

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