Corpus-based Activity

 Hello everyone!

How have you been in the past year? I hope you've been doing well. 

I've been assigned with a project that I worked with Zeynep Özcan (you can find her blog here). We worked together to desing a copus-based teaching material. We chose SKELL for corpus, we decided that it was the most appropriate corpus.

This activities objective is "Students will be able to recognize the functions of "How Much" and "How Many" question words and use them appropriately in inquiries based on the countability of the provided word."

I have never used a corpus before, that was new for me. We struggled with how we could use the corpus in our classes. With our teacher's guidance we figured it out. And we thought that we could teach our students "How much" and "How many" with corpus. 

We designed these activities for Turkish learners. The target audience includes ninth-grade high school students. These learners are at the intermediate level. The major purpose of the lesson is to teach the differences between "How Much" and "How Many" question words, as well as to motivate students to utilize the corpus to make their own discoveries. 

Considering the future of the material, various variables should be taken into mind. To begin, pupil access to digital gadgets may be an issue. The instructor should ensure that all pupils in the classroom have access to digital devices. Aside from the fact that students may become confused about Corpus since they are learning indirectly, instructions should be clear and understandable to the students. The instructor should be prepared to help them with their learning.

And here is the activity that I designed with Zeynep!

Until then, take care <3

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